
Referrals for Children with CLP and Craniofacial Anomalies

A child born with cleft lip/palate or other craniofacial anomalies has multiple and complex problems, including early feeding and nutritional concerns, middle ear disease, hearing deficiencies, deviations in speech and resonance, dentofacial and orthodontic abnormalities and psychosocial adjustment problems.

Care of these children should be comprehensive, coordinated, culturally sensitive, specific to the needs of the individual and readily accessible. Recognizing that children with clefts and other craniofacial anomalies have special needs, IDA has a list of dentists that these Children can be referred to.

IDA's initiative Healing Smiles Foundation (HSF) emphasizes largely upon optimizing the quality of life for individuals affected by cleft lip, cleft palate and craniofacial anomalies. These conditions affect a child's appearance and ability to hear, speak, eat, breathe, socialize or smile. IDA's endeavor in this regards aims to make these children accepted as members of society.